
Cooper 2004
Nassau 2004
Cayman 2004
Bonaire 2004
BVI 2004


Welcome to the DIVE JOURNAL: Nassau Adventure - September 2004


The Destination:    Nassau in the Bahamas

The Base Camp:    Wyndham Nassau Resort & Casino

The Crew:    Sieg, Anne-Marie, & the Mr. Big Film Crew

The Dive Crew:    Stuart Cove's Dive South Ocean

Special thanks to Stuart & Michelle and the professional staff at Stuart Cove's Dive South Ocean for making this an amazing underwater filming & diving experience.

The Experience:    The commercial shoot:

"CFA Spells Trust" Television Ads
“Out here, or in the financial markets, professional advice is critical…”  

CFA Institute is running its second flight of "Trusted Advisor" television advertising, including the new "Dive Master" ad.  These advertisements can be seen on CNBC, Fox News, CNN and other cable shows in Boston, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles and throughout Florida.  In Canada the ads will run on ROB-TV.

The Photo Gallery:   click "Dive Master" to see the commercial

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This site was last updated 10/05/05