Life after the “crash" | Sea Dog Divers | Sieg Stahl

By Sieg Stahl

I guess there is a first time for everything, and this week the inevitable happened when the technology Gods frowned upon us. For the first time ever, the Sea Dog Divers website crashed and refused to update. We tried all manner of electronic incantations & techno CPR to revive it, but it was ultimately pronounced DOA!

The timing couldn’t have been worse since we just added some great new adventures for 2017. Perhaps it was just meant to be and time for a new look & feel and features….there is always a bright side!

So after a couple of sleepless nights and long days, just like the "Phoenix rising from the ashes”, our new website is born and we hope you like it as much as we do!

Welcome to - version 3.0

© SDD 2025